Intrastat is the system used to collect information and produce statistics on the trade of goods between countries within the European Union (EU).
VAT registered businesses that trade in goods with other EU member states are required to provide details of these transactions for statistical purposes. The requirements of Intrastat are similar in all Member States.
All VAT registered businesses must complete Boxes 8 and 9 on their VAT returns showing the total value of any goods supplied to other EU countries (known as dispatches) and the total value of any Goods acquired from other EU countries (known as arrivals). Only movements which represent physical trade in goods are covered by Intrastat. There are some exceptions.
If you cannot find the required information here, you should call the National Advice Service (NAS) on 0845 010 9000. Information about Intrastat is also available online at link) or on the main Revenue & Customs site at link). If you would like early notification of news about Intrastat, including any changes or detailed information sheets about particular subjects, you can subscribe to a free e-mail alert service, uktradealert, through link).
Mamut Business Software provides you with an Intrastat module where you are able to register journal lines as Intrastat items. You can enter Intrastat items via the Journal Entry or via View - Accounting - Intrastat. There you can enter Intrastat items directly by clicking New and you can import Intrastat relevant journal lines from different modules (invoices and purchases) with the help of a wizard. After you have registered all relevant items for a period, you can create an Intrastat report and submit it to the authorities.
In Mamut Business Software journal lines for goods, which are relevant for Intrastat registration, have to fulfil some preconditions.
Intrastat Code: If you sell a product to another European Union member state, enter the commodity code into the Intrastat Code field on the product card, tab Miscellaneous. Only products with an Intrastat code are shown within the product list when registering an item for Intrastat.
VAT code for intra-community trade: You have to use a VAT code for intra-community trade. This applies to all items which are relevant for Intrastat registration.
Note! Intrastat
reporting must be activated in the Intrastat Settings. Here you can also
activate Intrastat accounting via the Journal Entry. Read more in Intrastat Settings.
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