Non-received Purchases
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Warehouse - Warehouse - Non-received purchases
Here you will see an overview of all of the purchases in the Purchase Module that have the status Purchased, and for which all the products have not been received. Selecting one of the purchases in the upper list will display the associated product lines in the lower section of the window.
When the products arrive you can register Receive/Return in this window. Alternatively, the receiving of goods can be registered in the purchase module.
Specify whether the purchases that have a planned date of delivery are to be displayed in the future by selecting Show purchases with scheduled future delivery date. This refers to the Planned delivery date field in the Purchase module. If you do not check this option, only those with today's date or older will be displayed.
Register Receive/Return
- Select a purchase and click Receive/Return.
- Register the amount of received goods in the Received column. Read more in Receipt of Goods.
- Click Receive goods.
The goods have now been received.
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