An order can have the status Backorder. This means that components of the order have been delivered and invoiced.
A backorder is generated when you choose to change the quantity to be delivered and then invoice the order. The backorder is handled as a new order. The original order number will be displayed on the printout when printing a backorder.
In order to change the quantity, enter the new amount in the To be delivered field in Sales/invoicing. The backorder which is created when you invoice the order can be found by selecting Backorder from the Status drop-down list.
In order to use the functionality, you must make sure that the box Do not invoice before all products on an order have been delivered is un-ticked in the company settings for Sales and Invoicing.
Price and Discount
Prices and discounts are transferred from the order to the backorder. Quantity discounts will also be transferred in order for the backorder to retain the same discount as the original order.
Note! Please note that the quantity
discount will not be recalculated in relation to quantity. If you want
to recalculate it, click Regenerate Order
Lines and choose to include discounts. You will thereby calculate
the quantity discount in relation to the quantity on the backorder and
not in relation to the original order.
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