In Mamut Business Software there are a number of different types of discount. These discounts are structured in a hierarchical system which overrule each other. This means, for example, that discount no. 6 can be overruled by discount no. 5 and so on. In this way, only one discount will be applied in the end. Therefore, if you have registered a fixed price on a product for a customer, the discount will be applied on top of - or in addition to - this price, if the customer is also associated with some other product discount.
The Discount Hierarchy in Mamut Business Software
1. Manual Discount
This discount type is entered directly on the order's product lines and overrules all other discounts in the hierarchy.
2. Discount on a Combination of Product and Contact
The discount is created in the Discount tab in the product register.
3. Default Discount in % of Order Total for a Customer
Registered as default discount in the Settings tab in the contact management register which can be accessed via View - Contacts - Contact Management. Click the Customer button and enter the Order discount in %. Read more in Contact Management Tab: Settings.
4. Discount on a Combination of Product and Category
The discount is registered in the Discount tab in the product register.
5. Discount on a Combination of Category and Product Group
The discount is created in the Discount Register, accessed via View - Product - Discount Register, or by clicking the Discount Register button in the product register tool bar.
This is a special type of discount which can be both included in, and independent from, the discount hierarchy. For example, you can choose to define the quantity discount as a discount that is in addition to other discounts. Activate this setting by selecting the check box Quantity discount is in addition to other discounts in the tab Price/Discount in the company settings for sales and invoicing. There are also a number of other factors affecting the discount hierarchy. Read more about this below.
You can manage all of these discount types from the Discount tab in the product register. The only exceptions are discount no. 1 which is defined directly on the order and discount no. 3, which is defined in the contact management register. Read more in Product Register: The Discount Tab.
Even if you are working with the discount hierarchy in Mamut Business Software, there are a number of exceptions and settings which can overrule the hierarchy. These settings can be accessed via View - Settings - Company - Settings per Module - Sales and Invoicing - the Price/Discount tab.
The highest discount overrules the discount hierarchy: Select this setting if you wish to offer your customer the highest possible discount. If you activate the setting, the discount hierarchy will be overruled.
Quantity discount is in addition to other discounts: By activating this setting, any quantity discount will be added in addition to discounts from the discount hierarchy. The quantity discount cannot be overruled by other discounts you may wish to create.
If you select both check boxes, the highest discount will overrule the discount hierarchy and any quantity discount you wish to give will be added in addition to the highest discount. If you do not select any of the two check boxes, the discount hierarchy will function in the normal way. Read more about the hierarchy above.
More information about other settings in the tab can be found in Company Settings for Sales and Invoicing.
Note! A discount will not function
if the price is lower than the discount.
You cannot add two discount % to the same invoice. You must instead create
a discount for the product from the product register, in the Discount
tab where you enter the discount as a fixed price.
Early Payment Discount
Early payment discount is a payment term which gives you the possibility to give a discount to customers who pay before the due date stated on the invoice. The reason for this is to give the customer an incentive to pay on time and thereby ensuring your company's profit margins and cash flow.
Read more in Early Payment Discount.
Discount in the Webshop
The only discount available in the webshop can be defined in the company settings for products. The setting can be found by clicking View - Settings - Company - Settings per Module - Product and selecting the Price processing tab.
Tip! If you wish to offer individual
discounts for each customer or customer group in the webshop, you must
purchase a license for the Mamut Enterprise Extension PartnerWeb. Read
more on our website:
Read more about settings and prices on your website and webshop in Settings Webshop.
Supplier discount - Purchase discount
It is also possible to enter the discount you receive, when purchasing from your suppliers. To do so, go to View - Contacts - Contact Management and open the supplier for which you want to set a discount. Select the tab Settings and click on the Supplier button below. Enter the discount in the Agreed discount % field under the Supplier tab.
When linking products to suppliers you can set supplier discount for single products as well. You can do this by clicking View - Product - Product Register. Open the product for which you want to set a discount, and then open the tab Supplier. Click New to link the product to a supplier, and select the supplier from the list. If the product is already linked to the supplier that the discount applies to, select the supplier and click Edit. Enter the product discount in the field Discount percentage on purchase.
Note! This discount type overrules
the general supplier discount which you have set in the contact register.
Tip! You may
also choose to enter the supplier discount manually in the purchase line
when you register a purchase. Read more in The Purchase Module.
Refer to the Mamut Support page at to access this information in the form of an online tutorial. Mamut's tutorials provide you and your colleagues with short videos of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) free of charge. These videos include short and easy-to-follow instructions demonstrating different processes within the system.
Read more about:
Product Register: The Discount Tab