Inserting a Logo on Printouts
View - Settings - Reports
- Add logo to order printouts
Before getting started, you must have access to the image file which will be used as the logo. Preferably, the image should not exceed 120 x 70 pixels. If your logo does not conform to the recommended size, you can adjust the size and quality of the image in an image processing program.
Note! The image file is not imported
into your Mamut
system - the system creates a link to the area where you have saved the
image file. It is therefore important that you save the image file saved
at a location that is unlikely to be moved.
How to insert a logo in a report
- Go to View - Settings - Reports - Report/Label Editor.
- Select the report you wish to edit and click Edit.
- The report opens in the Report Designer.
- You must first decide where you wish to place the logo. You must move, re-scale or delete any fields that are in conflict with the logo field.
- In the Report Controls panel which is displayed in a separate window, click the Picture/ActiveX Bound Control button (Image/OLE).
- The feature for inserting images is now activated. When you move the mouse cursor over the report, you will notice that the cursor changes from an arrow to a plus sign.
- Select the report area where you wish to insert the logo. Press the left mouse button and keep it pressed down before dragging the cursor over the area where you want to insert the image.
The Report Picture window is displayed. In the File field, enter the file path to the image file, either by entering the path or by clicking the search button and navigating to the file manually.
- When you have chosen the logo, you can continue by defining
the how the logo will be displayed in relation to the selected area:
- Clip Picture: The image/logo is displayed in its original size. If the image is larger than the frame, the image will be clipped.
- Scale picture, retain shape: Scales the image/logo to fill the frame without changing the width/height ratio.
- Scale picture, fill the frame: Scales the image/logo to fill the frame without retaining the width/height ratio.
- Click OK in order to insert the image in the report/invoice. You can still select and move the logo by clicking and dragging the image or by using the arrow keys on your keyboard.
- Save the changes by clicking File - Save. Close the window.
The logo will be displayed on the report the next time it is printed.
Note! Remember
to select Company database reports
instead of Common reports in order
to print the customised report.
You can also add a logo to all order printouts simultaneously by running the wizard Add logo to all order printouts which you can find by clicking View - Settings - Reports. The logo will then be added automatically to the reports of your choice.
Note! You
cannot undo the wizard Add logo to all
order printouts. You must edit each report in which there is a
space conflict etc. It is recommended to create a backup before completing
the wizard.
If the edited report does not meet your standards, you can easily restore the original report file. Read more about this in How to Import Report Files.
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