Transferring from a Group Quotation to Individual Quotations
A group quotation is a quotation created for several customers at the same time. A group quotation is created via a quotation template with the help of a wizard.
As you generate quotations for individual customers from Group quotation, the related group quotation will be 'emptied' of customers. This means that you are not able to generate individual quotations for the same customer more than once.
How to transfer from group quotation to individual quotations
- Click the Transfer button in the toolbar. This opens the first window of the wizard.
- The wizard will lead you through all of the necessary settings and selections. Select which contacts in the group quotation you wish to send the quotation to - either All or Query.
- Click Next when you have read the contents of the welcome window and selected the correct alternative. Follow the wizard's instructions.
Separate quotations have now been created for each of the customers
you selected in the wizard.
By using the Order
hierarchy button in the toolbar you can see the invoices that are
generated as a result of the Quotation template.
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