Getting Started with Mamut Enterprise Subscription Invoicing
Subscription Invoicing is a separate module you may find useful if you regularly invoice the same customers for the same products and/or services. Find out more in Mamut Enterprise Subscription Invoicing.
This functionality is only available as an additional product for certain program versions. Contact your software supplier to find out whether the functionality is available for your version of the program.
How to get started
Activate the functionality by going to View - Settings - Company -Settings per Module - Sales and Invoicing.
Under the General tab, tick the
box for The company uses subscription
Now restart the program. -
Set up your required frequencies in the Properties
Register. The frequency determines when/how often sales orders
may be generated based on customer subscriptions linked to a subscription.
Go to View - Settings - Company - Properties
Register and browse for Frequency. Find out more about frequencies in The Subscription Register.
- Create your subscription. Find out more in The Subscription Register.
- Create your customer subscriptions. Find out more in Customer Subscriptions.
You are now ready to generate sales orders
based on customer subscriptions.
Read more about:
Wizard for Customer Subscription-based Order Creation 1:2
How to create a new subscription
How to create a new customer subscription
Company Settings for the Properties Register
How can I get Subscription Invoicing to handle annual invoicing?