Account Information
View - Settings - Company
- Financial Settings
The Account information window is a standard window which is used everywhere in the program where account numbers are entered. In addition to information about the account and the bank you can enter information on the account owner name and address.
Account information for your company is entered under the Financial
settings button.
Account information for your contacts is entered in the contact card under
the Other Info. tab.
In order to avoid errors when entering IBAN and Bank account numbers, the system has been equipped with a number verification feature. Verification of numbers can be activated in the Number verification window, by going to Settings - Company and clicking the Financial Settings button.
Country: Select to which country the account belongs. Some fields are only available for certain countries.
Note! Remember to click OK
in order to save the information you may have entered before selecting
The N/C tab
Type: Select whether the account is a post office account or a bank account.
IBAN: An IBAN number can be entered here. IBAN is an international bank account number used for international payments.
Swift/BIC: Swift is the electronic system used for the transfer of global financial transactions. Most banks and financial institutions are members of Swift. Every bank that is a member of Swift is allocated a swift address consisting of 8 or 11 characters. This code is unique because it contains the bank’s name, address and internal bank codes in the relevant country. Swift is the same as BIC (Bank International Code) but the BIC codes have an additional 3 numbers.
Currency: Here you enter information about the account’s currency. This field is for information only.
Sort Code/Account no: Here you enter the account details for your contact, consisting of the Sort Code and Account number. The two fields are the only fields that need to be completed to be able to use the account in the program. The Sort Code is a 6-digit code used for money transfers to countries such as the UK. The number signifies to which bank the money will go, which enables electronic transactions. Other countries have other codes for this.
Germany and Austria: Bankleitzahlenverzeichnis
USA: FedWire (FW) Chips (CH) or Chips (CP).
Canada: Clearing code.
Switzerland: Swiss clearing no.
The Bank information tab
Bank name: Here you enter the name of the bank. The information is only used for internal reference purposes.
BACS code: Enter the banks BACS details here. The information is used for internal reference.
Address: Here you enter the address of the bank. The information can be used internally.
The Owner tab
Owner: The name of the account holder may be entered here, but this is not necessary.
B S Roll#: Here you enter the account holders Building Society Roll number.
Address: The address of the account holder may be entered here, but it is not necessary.
Update: Available when a contact's already existing bank information is changed. If the contact's address has been changed in the contact register - and if the account information is also to be changed - you can update the address by simply clicking this button.
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