Create/Edit an Article

In order to create a new article or edit an existing article, you must be logged in as administrator.

How to create a new article

  1. Navigate to the area where you wish to create the article.
    You can first create a folder in which you can add new articles. In this way, you can keep track of all of the different articles. More information on how to create folders can be found here.

  2. Select Article from the drop-down list in the administration menu and then click Create here to begin creating your article.

  3. Enter the following information in the screen that is displayed:
    : Enter the article's title.
    Short Title
    : You can also enter an abbreviated version of the article's title.
    : Here you are able to enter one or multiple authors.
    : Enter an introduction or summary of your article.
    : Here you are able to enter the content of the article. Read more about the possibilities in the text editor here.
    Enable comments
    : Select this check box if you wish to provide your visitors the chance to comment on the article.  
    : Upload an image for your article.
    : Enter a caption for the image.
    Star Rating
    : Enabling this feature will give the visitor the possibility to rate the article. The visitor can rate the article from 0 to 5 stars.
    Google Map
    : If you have activated the Google Maps feature in Control panel - Site Settings, you can display a Google Map in your article. Simply enter the address in the field above the map and click Find address. You can also select location by clicking directly on the map or entering latitude and longitude. Read more about this feature here.
    : Write in suitable search words for your article. Separate the search words with a comma (,).

  4. Click on Publish in order to publish the article.

Your website will now be updated with the new article.

How to edit an existing article

  1. Navigate to the article you wish to edit.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Edit the article according to the procedure above.

  4. Click on Publish in order to publish the changes.

Your website will now be updated with the newly edited article.

Tip! You can add a comment to your article by selecting Comment from the administration menu and clicking Create here. You can insert an existing object, for instance, a calendar or blog, directly in the text editor by clicking the Insert/edit object button in the tool bar.

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