Remittance/Bank Files

To remit your supplier payments electronically, it is necessary to have a valid agreement with your bank. The payments are then transferred as a file to the bank.

In the Settings tab in the contact card, you are able to define which suppliers should be associated with remittance. You can also send remittance files to international suppliers, using a foreign currency.

The system can verify bank accounts and CID codes when creating the remittance file. These settings are available in the remittance settings.

Tip! A purchase credit note can reduce the total amount of a purchase invoice sent to remittance. This feature assumes that you have matched/linked the credit note to the invoice before generating the remittance file and that the credit note has been defined as To be remitted.

Read more about:

Gettings Started with Remittance

Remittande - Bank Payment

Remittance settings

Matching/Linking Open Invoices