Project and Departmental Accounting

In Mamut Business Software you can link transactions to projects and/or departments, allowing you to keep complete project and departmental accounting records. You can link transactions manually in the Journal Entry module. You can simplify the accounting process by linking departments and/projects to sales or purchase orders while you are registering them in their respective modules.

The department is part of the accounting module and the departments themselves are created in the properties register. Project is a separate module and the actual projects are set up with their own separate register.

Project Accounting

The project module is organised with project-based work processes in mind. Here, you can register new contacts, orders, activities and more via the different tabs in the project register. This module is also closely integrated with other modules in the program, which enables you to decide whether or not you wish to work project-based or not.

The Project register can be opened by going to View - Project - Project register. You can choose which project list windows should be opened every time you open the project module by going to View - Settings - User - Settings per Module - Project and selecting the Project cards tab.

Read more in The Project Module.

Departmental Accounting

In Mamut Business Software you can allocate your costs to different departments. You can link contacts, projects and journal entries to a specific department, making it easier for you to analyse sales and allocate the fixed costs. You can create your own departments, according to your needs.

Read more in Getting Started with Departmental Accounting.


You can establish a budget both at project and at department level. In the settings for the budget, just select project or department. When you have set up your budgets, you can use the views Profit/Loss and Liquidity in order to display the budget per project/department.

Read more in Budgets.


Most reports in the accounting module may be extracted as both project and departmental reports by selecting the desired department or project in the Filter window for that report.

Read more in Filters.

Year End, Partially Close Accounts and Transfer Preliminary Opening Balance

When partially closing your accounts and transferring a preliminary opening balance at year end, you can choose to generate an opening balance per project and department, if you wish to transfer the balance per project and department.

Read more about transferring preliminary opening balance in Partially Close Accounts.

Read more about:

User Settings per Module



Getting Started with Departmental Accounting

The Chart of Accounts

Partially Close Accounts