Opening a Company Database
Once you have logged into the system, the Company database list will be displayed. Here you can select which Company database you will work in. The list displays the Alias name for each company database in your installation. Double-click a line in the list to open the relevant company database.
A company database is registered with an Alias name. This is meant to be a short name for the Company database, and is used when you log on and select which Company database to work in. The Alias name can be changed. The name should not include special characters, spacing, full stops etc. The Alias name will be shown in the title line at the top of program window when you are logged on.
Create a New company database by clicking New.
If you delete a company database all the data stored in it will be lost.
If you wish to switch from one company database to another, you can select File - Open Company database.
Tip! You can select a Default
Company Database in the user settings. This saves you having to
select a company database for opening in this window every time you login.
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