Contact Management Tab: Activities

Activities linked to the Company contact are registered under the Activity tab. All information relating to the activity, such as the Company contact, Project, Type, Responsible person within your company etc is entered here. Registered activities could be meetings, demonstrations, telephone conversations, e-mails, confirmation of delivery and price quotations.

Click the New button in order to create new activities. Click Edit if you wish to edit your existing activities.

By clicking Delete, you are able to delete the selected contact person.

Click this button to update the activity with the latest information from the activity module.

In the Type drop-down menu, you are able to sort which types of activities you want the tab to show. You can also select whether or not to show All, Completed and Incomplete activities. If a large number of activities are registered to the contact, you can choose to display only a certain activity type from the Type drop-down list.

Any notes registered on the selected activity are displayed below the list. Click the Expand Note Field button in the lower right corner to display the entire text.

You can read more about editing activities in The Activity Screens.

Read more about:

Contact Management.

Creating new Activities

Contact Person