Selecting Links to be shown on My Desktop

You can create your own links on the desktop, which might be links to your own web pages or to other web pages you visit regularly. These pages will open in your default web browser. The links are displayed under the My links information box, which you can find among the information boxes you select for display within the various focus areas.

The My links information box has room for up to 6 links. By default, My links is shown under the E-Commerce focus area, for those customers with a license for, and access to this module.

How to add a link to the information box My links

  1. Select a focus area showing the My links information box. Read more about how you can customise the desktop in Customising Content for the Focus Areas on the Desktop.
  2. Click on the arrow to the right of the heading and select Enter the links to be displayed on My Desktop from the drop-down list.
  3. Enter or paste the link into one of the fields.
  4. Click OK.

The link will now show in the My Links information box.

Read more about:

Focus Areas on the Desktop

The E-Commerce Focus Area on the Desktop

Customising Content for a Focus Area on the Desktop