
In a world where "everyone" is searching for information on products and services on the Internet before they buy, it is easy to get left behind if your company lacks web presence. By utilising the possibilities afforded by your Mamut-system you can easily create your own website with webshop and be available to both existing and potential customers around the clock.

What is a website?

A website is a space on the Internet, where you store a collection of pages with information about your company, for example. A website usually consists of a main page from which links the visitor to several sub-pages with information on, for example, the company and services offered. A webshop, where customers can purchase the company's products, can also be part of a website.

Why should I have a website?

Even if you do not have your own website already, you may have thought about it before? There are many advantages with having a website where customers can find information about your company, around the clock.


If you have a program from the Mamut Business Software series or Mamut Web Free installed, you already have everything you need in order to get started and create your own professional website with webshop facility in a few simple steps.

Previous knowledge

Creating a website through your Mamut program requires no previous knowledge or website publication experience. The editing process takes place in the E-Commerce module, which contains a user-friendly publishing tool, so that you don't have to worry about HTML-coding and upload via a FTP-server. If you are familiar with regular word processing and formatting in e.g. Microsoft Word, you will recognise many of the editing options in the Edit website module.

Read more about:

E-Commerce with Mamut

Getting started with your website

Website Settings

The Desktop