Get Website Data

Get website data is used to retrieve enquiries and orders that customers have made on your website.

Enquiries are subjected to a so-called 'data wash' where information from the website is compared with entries in your contact register. You can approve the information that the customer has registered to avoid double entries cluttering up your contact register.

View orders: Here a new window opens where you can view previous imports of website data, structured by tabs for each import type.

Downloading website data

  1. Click Start to begin downloading data. The program will now connect to the Internet and find any new orders and activities.
  2. The result will be continuously displayed in an overview window. If the search found no results, the window closes when you click Complete.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Check all enquiries and import or reject them in View new orders/activities. If you do not process all the enquiries immediately, they will still be available next time you import data.

If you downloaded any orders and activities these will be available in the Sales and Invoicing Module and Activity Module respectively.

Note! Registered users will have a Website account created. You can edit this through the Contact register via the Settings tab in E-Commerce.

Read more about:

View Orders/Activities

Company Information

Getting started with your own website