
In Mamut, you can customise headings and texts on your website to suit your specific needs. You can, for instance, edit texts that describe fields, links, drop-down lists, etc.

How to edit Labels

  1. Select View - E-Commerce - Website settings - Active website and click the Labels button. 
  2. Select the language for your webshop labels in the Language list.
  3. Select the text you want to edit from the Default Values column.
  4. Then activate the This is where you change your user-defined text field.
  5. Add the text you wish to use instead of the default value. If you want none to show enter * in the field.
  6. Click the default text in the Default values column.
  7. The value (text) you entered is added in the User-defined Text column.
  8. Update website to publish the changes you made.

Your changes will show on your website after you have updated it.

Tip! If you regret any of changes you have made, you can select the relevant text and click the Use default button. If you wish to change all overwritten labels to default values, click the All to default button.

Read more about:

Updating your Webshop

Search Engine Keywords


Website Settings

Getting started with your own website