Project Status Overview

When editing an existing project you will see the button Project status overview in the upper toolbar. This button provides an overview of the date, status and duration for each status of the project that has been made through the Change Status button. See more about change of status below.

The status history window includes:

Date: the date and time when the project status was changed will be shown here.

Status: the different statuses the project has gone through will be displayed here. Note that the status when a project is created is (none).

Duration: this field refers to the time the project has been on the specific status. The duration is displayed in days and hours. Note that only complete hours will be counted.

Click the Close button in order to close the window.

Change status

 When you edit an existing project you are able to change the project status by using the Change Status button in the upper toolbar.

When clicking on the Change status button, a window will open. In the drop-down lists you are able to change the status of the project as well as edit the date and time.

These values can be edited (except for the values 'Inactive' and 'Complete') and more values can be added via the properties register in Mamut Business Software.

Note! A project can have the same status several times. However, the date and time for change of status must be between the previous change and the actual time.

Read more about:

About the Project Register

Working with projects

The Project Register List