The Exceptional Values Report

The report displays the percentage of all transactions that are considered exceptional.

As part of the analysis of your accounting data, Mamut Validis looks at each individual transaction within a nominal account and identifies any credit or debit values which are exceptionally large, when compared to the other values within the account, or those that fall outside of the normal range. For example, if typical sales are around 500 per transaction a single sale of 1000 would be identified as exceptional.

 The Exceptional Values report shows:

How to view the Exceptional Values report

To view the exceptional values in your accounting data, follow the procedure described below:

  1. Select the menu option Data Analysis - Summary Analysis- - Exceptional Values. Alternatively, select Data Analysis and then click on the See full Results link in the Exceptional Values box. In the Exceptional Values screen, the percentage and number of exceptional transactions are shown and a list of the nominal accounts in which they appear.

  2. To view the underlying transaction details, click on the arrow buttons. When you first expand the display, Credit and / or Debit options become available. A further expansion displays a chart showing the usual range of values (in green) and the exceptional value transactions as red triangles on a pink background (used to indicate areas above and below the usual range). Each triangle corresponds to an individual transaction containing an exceptional value. The transactions are listed below the chart.

You can now view the exceptional values report of your accounting data.

Read more about:

The Analysis Reports Summary Dashboard