Success Factors

The Success Factors page helps you define your company’s success factors in order to set better goals for the next year. These factors are the elements required for ensuring the success of your business; they are vital for the strategy to be successful and drive the company forward. An example of a success factor would be innovative responses to customers' needs or high product quality.

This page includes fields where you can define a maximum number of five factors. These factors should be based on the previous SWOT analysis. The Background Information tabs at the bottom of the page provide a quick look back at the previous analysis.

How to set the Success Factors:

  1. Write your company’s success factors in the Success Factors field.

    : Clicking on this button opens a printer-friendly window of your success factors.

  2. If you are satisfied with the Success Factors content, tick the option Section completed?.

  3. Click Next to proceed to the Planning module or Previous to open the SWOT page.

The Success Factors are saved automatically when you proceed to the next page.

Read more about:

Business Year Planner

About the Year Planner

How to create a Year Plan

Year Plan Report