The sales forecast list

The sales forecast functionality helps you predict your future sales. The sales forecast list includes all quotations and sales orders that have been given a probability of sale. Read more in About sales forecast. The sales orders disappear from the list once they have been invoiced. This list can be accessed through the corresponding information box in the Status focus area. In order to open the list click on the links displayed on the graph.

You can easily filter the results of the list through the Probability drop-down list placed in the upper right corner of the window. You can either see All or select to see the orders/quotations with a specific probability of sale. By double-clicking on the lines of the list, you will access the corresponding quotation or order.

The list includes information such as Quotation no., Order no., Name of the customer, Our ref., Total excl. VAT, Probability of Sale, Expected closing date as well as Project. These columns can be sorted by clicking on the headings.

Read more about:

About sales forecast

The Sales/Invoicing Register

The Quotation Register