Sales/Invoicing, The Product Lines Tab

When you have selected the products from the Product register the necessary information such as prices and discounts will be retrieved from the Product and Contact Registers.

Press [Enter] or [Tab] on the keyboard to move between the columns.

Select the products to be sold. This can be done in two ways:

Click New to register the product number in the new line. The relevant product is registered together with all of the information from the product card. If you want to change the information, you can do this in each individual column in the product line.


Click Show product list to display a list of the products. The drop-down list in the top right window that is displayed works like a filter, allowing you to select a product type. Only products belonging to the chosen product type will be displayed in the list. Select the desired product and click Insert.

Tip! If you change the ordered quantity in the sales order the cost price will be updated again from the Product card. If you created the order from a purchase you should transfer the purchase again as the cost price on the purchase varies from the one in the product card.

If you want to insert a product line between existing product lines, you can do this by using the Insert product line button. A new line is inserted above the selected product line.

With Show partial sum you add a partial sum. This can be beneficial for orders with multiple products, as it allows you to organise products into groups and assign partial sums for the groups: Select the last product you want to include into a partial sum calculation. Then click this icon. All lines above will then automatically be grouped together into a partial sum (not including any previous partial sums) and the sum of the group will we be shown below the product lines list.
Partial sums are also shown on all sales reports (i.e. invoices) you send to your customer.

You can delete a certain partial sum again by clicking the Remove partial sum icon.   

Click Move up product line and Move down product line if you want to sort your products in a certain order.

Click Edit order line description in the Product lines tab if you want to register a specific text to describe each product line. You can also enter text from the product register that you select from the drop-down list.

The Delete button in the Product Lines tab deletes the product line which has been highlighted in the list. You cannot delete an invoiced product line,

Note! If you are using the system's warehouse functionality, deleting products will generate stock movements in the warehouse module. The products will be restored to the warehouse. In addition, if you have set up the system to expense products to P/L when items are removed from stock, a journal entry will be created. These processes are carried out automatically "in the background". You can view the stock movements via the Product Flow window (more information below).

Click Regenerate order lines to update/regenerate default values for the entire quotation/order, or for the selected line. Read more in Regenerating Order Lines.

Click Go to product card if you want to check or change product information.

Click the Arrow to the right of the button to select an action:

The buttons may differ, depending on which functions you have activated.

Create purchase based on order: When receiving an order from a customer and need to order products, you can Create purchase based on order. The feature must be activated in the company settings for products.

Linking/Reservation of Purchase: You can link the products in an order to a specific purchase by clicking Linking/Reservation of Purchase. The feature must be activated in the company settings for sales and invoicing.

Reserve Stock Items: By Reserving Stock Items included in an order, you can reserve products which are in stock or which have been ordered for the specific order. The feature must be activated in the company settings for sales and invoicing.

Product Flow: The Product Flow window gives you an overview of all stock movements. The window lets you track the items which caused the movement and locate the journal entry in the Nominal Ledger, if such en entry has been registered.

Delivery plan: The Delivery plan feature lets you keep an overview of expected delivery dates of purchases containing the product which has been highlighted in the list. The option is only available in orders/invoices which have not been fully delivered. This applies to products which have been ordered, but note delivered.

Reset number in the column 'To be delivered' The value in the column is by default retrieved from the original order. Here, you can reset all order lines in a backorder to zero.

Remove all partial sums: Click here if you wish to delete all partial sums from the product lines list. Note, that they will also be removed from sales reports you might want to create.

Extract components: Click here if you wish to extract the bundle's components. A security warning will be shown, click Yes to continue. The components will now be extracted into separate, independent product lines; individual attributes such as VAT handling and discounts will be re-assigned. Only the amount in the Qty. column will be adjusted according to the amount of the former product bundle. This means that if you, for example, have a product with quantity "2" in a bundle with quantity "3", the result will be "6". This button is only shown when you have selected a product bundle.
Note that sub-bundles of the selected product bundle will not be extracted. You will have to select the sub-bundle separately and re-do the procedure.  

Insert component: If you wish to add a new component, simply select the correct product bundle or a component in the bundle and click Insert component. Choose the product you wish to add as a component from the product list. It will be inserted below the selected component. If wanted, you can also change its quantity.
There are some preconditions: The product bundle must be linked to a warehouse and on its Product bundles tab the setting Warehouse update, sale must be set to Update components.

Read more about:

The Product List

Changing the Delivery Method

Sales and Invoicing

Creating an Order Based on a Purchase

Creating a Purchase Based on an Order

Reserving Purchases

Company Settings for Sales and Invoicing

The Properties Register