How to create a new Subscription

View - Sales/Invoicing - Subscription invoicing - Subscription register - New

You can create new subscriptions or edit existing ones in the subscription window.

Enter a descriptive subscription title.

Subscription status: Choose to set the subscription as active or inactive.

Frequency: Here you can define during which period the subscription will be valid. This can be either a set period or a fixed date. In order to define different frequencies than those available, right-click the drop-down list and select Change in properties register. By doing so you will be able to click New and register a new frequency name. Choose if the frequency should be valid for a certain number of days or a fixed date, for instance the first of every month.

Frequency link: Select a setting for when the subscription will start.

Payment terms: Select which payment term will be used for the subscription. The payment term will be transferred to the sales and invoicing module.

Our ref.: Select which employee will be responsible for the subscription.

Reference: You can enter a reference code which can be used later for handling and filtering your subscriptions.

In the tabs you can register relevant information regarding product lines, freight, text, miscellaneous and subscription settings:

Subscription - The Product Lines Tab,

Subscription - The Freight Tab,

Subscription - The Text Tab,

Subscription - The Miscellaneous Tab and

Subscription - The Subscription Settings Tab.

Read more about:

The Subscription Register

How to create a new Customer Subscription

Subscription Invoicing