Address Settings

View - Settings - Reports - Address settings

In this screen you define the layout of addresses, contact names and contact people who will be displayed on all reports. Please note that you should not enter specific addresses here, as only references are used.

How to change the address layout:

  1. Select the Country from the list on the left, e.g. Ireland.
  2. Select the reference (value) you wish to enter from the Name drop-down list. Only by first selecting the correct value and then clicking the Insert button, the correct value is entered. You can see the results at all times in the example field. You can easily delete fields by selecting the field and pressing Delete on your keyboard.
  3. Define how the address will be shown. You do this in the Address drop-down list.
  4. Click OK when you have changed the setup.

The address layout has now been changed.

Read more about:

Report settings