Via the Sales card you have the possibility to view and edit unissued credit notes created in your Mamut Business Software client. You can also view processed credit notes, but these cannot be changed.
You cannot create unissued credit notes in Mamut Online.
This has to be done in your local installation of Mamut Business Software.
Furthermore, you cannot change an order to an unissued credit note, or
an unissued credit note to an order in Mamut Online.
This is possible in Mamut Business Software
if the total value of the total sum changes from minus to plus and vice-versa.
How to edit an unissued credit note in Sales
Tip! You will find a detailed description of
the fields and lists in the Sales card in Quotation/Sales Order/Invoice/Credit note.
You have now edited an unissued Credit Note.
Read more about:
Working with Quotations and Sales Orders
Quotation/Sales Order/Invoice/Credit note
User Settings for Quotations/Sales orders
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