Getting Started with Debt Collection

In order for you to be able to send your claims to debt collection you need to have entered into an agreement with a debt collection company and make the relevant debt collection settings in your Mamut program.  

How to get started with debt collection

  1. Go to View - Settings - Accounting and choose the Customer & Supplier Ledger tab.

  2. Select the option Company sends debt collection list or export files to debt collection company.

  3. Click the Settings button to the right of the check box in order to define the debt collection settings. More information can be found here.

  4. Select payment reminder for the relevant customers. The settings can be found on the customer's contact card, the Settings tab. Click the Customer button and select Payment reminder in the Reminder drop-down list.

    By using the wizard Change values for a Selection of Contacts, you can define these settings for all suppliers (or for all domestic suppliers) in one operation. Read more about this wizard here.

  5. Select a default setting for payment reminders for new customers by clicking View - Settings - Company - Settings per Module - Contact Management. Select Payment reminder from the Reminder drop-down list. Click OK to apply the setting.

The system is now set up for debt collection.

Note! You must first print a notice of debt collection for the overdue payment in order to initiate the debt collection process. Read more about payment reminders/debt collection notices here.

Read more about:

About Debt Collection

Generating Debt Collection Files

Format description for Advanced (ASCII)

Format description for Standard (ASCII)

Format description for Detailed (XML)

Settings for Debt Collection

About Payment Reminders/Debt Collection Notice