Getting Started with Payment Reminders/Debt Collection Notices

In order to send payment reminders/notices of debt collection, you must define some settings in your Mamut program first.

How to get started with payment reminders/debt collection notices

  1. Go to View - Settings - Accounting - Customer & Supplier Ledger.

  2. Select the option Company sends payment reminders to its customers.

  3. Click the Settings button to the right of the check box in order to define the payment reminder settings. More information about these settings can be found here.

  4. Define the appropriate settings and enter the fixed texts for the different reminders.
    Read more about this here. Please note that certain information may be mandatory in a payment reminder or notice of debt collection.

  5. Select payment reminder for the relevant customers. This can be done on the customer's contact card, on the Settings tab. Click the Customer button and select Payment reminder in the drop-down list Reminder in the Customer & Supplier Ledger tab.

    You can implement the changes for all customers in one single operation by using the wizard Change Values for a Selection of Contacts. Read more about the wizard here.

  6. Select a default setting for payment reminders for new customers by clicking View - Settings - Company - Settings per Module - Contact Management. Select the option Payment reminder in the Reminder drop-down list. Save the setting by clicking OK.

The system is now setup for payment reminders/debt collection notices..

Tip! You can set up the program so that certain actions carried out within the system trigger a follow-up task. One example for when a follow-up activity may be helpful is the Invoicing process. You could set the follow-up tasks to commence on the invoice's due date, or another convenient start date and you would then be reminded to check whether payment for the invoice has been received, for example. Read more about follow-up tasks here.

Read more about:

About Payment Reminders/Debt Collection Notice

Settings for Payment Reminders

Payment Reminder Status Settings

Generating Payment Reminders