The Mamut Service Agreement

The Mamut Service Agreement ensures that you are prepared and have full control of all challenges you or your business may encounter.

Updates following legislation changes

We make sure that your Mamut system is always fully up-to-date with new laws and regulations, changes to tax-rates and official forms. Extensive user documentation for all such changes ensures that you can adapt to them quickly and easily.

New functionality

Mamut systems are developed and improved continuously in tune with technological advances, new industry standards and trends and feedback from our customers. You are always guaranteed a modern solution, which will simplify your working day.

Mamut Support Centre

We place great importance on providing a responsive and professional support department, which can promptly provide answers to your questions. Your Mamut Service Agreement entitles you to user support via telephone, e-mail, Internet or directly from within your program.

Mamut Information Desk

Within the program you will find an Internet-powered news channel that provides you with daily updates of information, news and user tips directly related to your program and area of business. The Mamut Information Desk lets you communicate directly with our support department as well.

Tips for users

At regular intervals, interested users will receive e-mails with tips about using their Mamut system, news about the product range and other useful information.

Mamut Knowledge Series

Mamut publishes documents and advice on a range of areas including changes from the government, effective use of the system as well as new trends.

Special offers

Mamut gives you special offers on Mamut products as well as on suitable products from other market-leading software vendors.

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