The View Menu

The View menu gives you access to all the modules in the program. The help files refer to this menu for access to the various windows.

Such a reference might look as follows:

  1. Click View in the grey menu at the top of the window.
    The menu opens downwards

  2. Click Product.
    A new menu now opens to the right of the original menu.

  3. Click Product register in the menu on the right.

You can also use the shortcuts in the different focus areas on the desktop to reach the different functions in the program. The Desktop can be customised to your requirements and you can add functions you use regularly and remove functions you do not require on a regular basis. However, you will still always have access to all functions from the View menu. Though you will still only be able to see functions which are included in the access rights that were set in the program by the system administrator or the functions that are available for your specific program licence.

In many cases there are also shortcuts in the shape of icons in the various screens to functionality contained in other screens.

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Finding your way around the program