Getting Started with Folders

You must be logged in as the administrator in order to create a new folder.

How to create a new folder

  1. Navigate to the area of the website where you wish to add a folder.

  2. Select Folder from the drop-down list in the eZ Publish Administration menu and click Create here.

  3. Enter the relevant information in the screen that opens.

    : Enter the title of your folder.
    Short name
    : Enter a short version of the folder name.
    : Enter an introduction or summary to the content of the folder.
    : Write a longer text describing the contents of the folder.
    Display sub items
    : When you are constructing a long article or a series of articles, you can choose to hide the contents of a folder. Deselect the box in order to hide the objects.
    : Enter suitable keywords for your website's search engine. Separate the keywords with commas.

  4. In the field Access control, you can choose to restrict access to the folder by password-protecting its content.

  5. Click Publish to update your website.

Your website's folder structure will now be updated.

How to change a folder

  1. Locate the folder you wish to change.

  2. Click Edit in the administration menu.

  3. Then make the necessary change.

Click Publish in order to save the changes.

How to remove a folder

  1. Locate the folder you wish to remove.

  2.  Click on Remove in the administration menu.

The folder has now been removed.

Read more about:

Working with Folders

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