Historical Stock Value
Stock movements can be filtered based on date intervals in the report Stock value list (stock movements). You can display stock values for a given date, for example when starting on a new fiscal year, or a historical cross-section of the stock value, to see trends, for example.
How to print the report
- Go to View - Warehouse - Reports.
- Choose Product and the report Stock value list (stock movements).
- Choose report group, sorting and print medium before clicking Print.
- Use the filter window to define the criteria for what the report will display.
- Click the Stock transactions
tab and the Date sub-tab.
- In order to display the stock value on a given date,
leave the field Stock reg. date
blank and enter the date in the Incl.
In order to display a cross-section of the stock value, enter the relevant dates in both fields. - Click OK.
The report will be displayed on the screen.
Click the print icon to the print the report.
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