About sales forecast

The sales forecast functionality helps you predict your future sales based on the probability of sales assigned to your quotations and unprocessed orders. Conducting a sales forecast will provide your business with an evaluation of current sales levels and can help you identify the pattern or trend of your sales. The sales data is registered and displayed in Mamut Business Software.

The five default probability of sales (lead, needs analysis, meeting, contract and waiting for confirmation) you are able to assign to your quotations and/or orders will result in a chart of your future sales. The chart is displayed under the Status work area in Mamut Business Software. It includes a link to the list of the orders and quotations in the forecast. You are also able to print it or to export it to Excel.

Read more about:

Getting started with sales forecasting

The Sales/Invoicing Register

The Quotation Register

Company Settings for Sales and Invoicing

Company Settings for the Properties Register