The Subscription Register
View - Sales/Invoicing - Subscription invoicing
The Subscription register is a window showing all of the different subscriptions you have set up. In the top-right of the window you select whether you want to view active or inactive subscriptions only or whether you want to see all subscriptions regardless of their status.
The overview will show you the subscription name, its status, frequency, frequency type and when the subscription will be 'run' next. A 'run' refers to the generation of orders based on customer subscriptions linked to a subscription.
In the Subscription register, you can set up new subscriptions, edit existing ones and make subscriptions inactive by clicking on the Delete button. Please note that all customer subscriptions linked to an inactive subscription will no longer show in the customer subscription overview and will no longer form the basis for any order creation.
A subscription is a template that is identical for all customers who are to be invoiced for the same subscription. That is to say that several customer subscriptions are being linked to each subscription. A subscription can be a subscription to a magazine, newspaper, alert service or it could be rental or service agreements. You should set up a subscription for each subscription or regular service you offer that forms the basis for invoices. You add the products and/or services to your subscription that are to be included in the subscription invoice and you enter the settings that are to apply to the orders being generated for the subscription.
It is easy to generate orders based on your subscriptions with the help of a special wizard. You can initiate the wizard by clicking on the Sales and Invoicing button in the toolbar of the Subscription register. In the wizard, you make a selection for which subscriptions to generate orders for and whether these should be generated for a certain customer only or all customers.
Clicking on the Show subscription button will bring up a window with all the details about the subscription, but you cannot edit any of the information from there. The button will provide users, who would like to find out about a subscription in more detail but do not have the user access rights to allow them to make any changes, with information.
The Frequency register button takes you directly to the Properties register, where you can create and administer frequencies. Frequencies control when/how often sales orders are to be generated based on the various customer subscriptions linked to the subscription. There are two types of frequencies: 'Number of days in interval' and 'Regular date in the month'. Choosing 'Number of days in interval' will allow you to generate orders every x number of days from the last order creation. Using 'Regular date in a month' will allow you to specify that you wish to generate orders on X day every Y month(s), e.g. on the 3rd every two months, the 15th of every month, the 1st every three months etc.
By clicking on the Print button, you can print out the report for Future Subscription
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