View - Accounting - Financials - Key figures
From Key figures in the Nominal ledger you can view reports that provide you with an overview of the key figures in the accounts The lines show balances and the columns divide them into time periods. You can enter and edit user-defined reports in addition to the systems default reports.
How to set up a Key Figure report
Select the Accounting year that will form the basis for the key figures (from top left the drop-down list).
Select Report settings by clicking on the search button located in the middle of the toolbar. This will decide what lines should to be included in the report. The pre-defined setups can be edited, and you can create new ones.
Select Column settings from the drop-down list to the right in the toolbar. This decides what time periods the report setup lines should be divided into. You can also create your own column setups.
The report will now display the relevant data.
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