View - Accounting - Journal
Journal templates are created using a wizard which guides you through all relevant settings.
When using a journal template, you are usually asked to enter certain values that are to be included in the journal. There is nothing wrong with creating journal templates without these input values and instead use templates that has pre-defined and fixed values in all journal lines.
Click New for each input value
you require in the journal template. For each value you have to specify:
Input value Type: You can choose from eight types of values: Amount, N/C, Customer, Supplier, Invoice No., Project and Department. This item determines the format in which the values are selected or entered.
Description: This description is the name of the field in the input window. For example, if you have several fields of the type N/C, it may be worth giving them a name that describes what the account will be used for in the journal (e.g. Balance sheet account and & Cost account).
Default value: The field is always filled in automatically when the journal type is used. Remember that you can also change this default value in the input window by selecting the Default check box. Read more about Journal templates.
Hide entered value: If you want the default value to be used every time the journal template is used, you can hide this field from the input window. This of course requires you to have set a default value, otherwise the journal template will not function.
As you add additional input values, you can see a Preview
of the window.
Click Next to determine the position of the values on the journal line.
Steps in the wizard:
Accounting for pre payments (Optional)
Defining Input Values << You are here