Restoring Backups

The restoration of a backup takes place with the help of a backup.

Note! Backups that do not include system files must be of the same version as the program in order to be restored. Read more about this here.

How to restore a backup

  1. Select File - Backup - Restore backup.

  2. Select Previous backup copy and choose which of the backup copies you would like to restore. Enter your password if you have protected the backup with a password.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Information about the backup is displayed in the information window. Ensure that the information is correct and click Next.

  5. Read the Important Information and select I have read and understood the information above before clicking Next.

The backup is being restored. This can take some time, especially if the backup contains a large amount of data.

How to restore an external backup

  1. Select File - Backup - Restore backup and click Next.

  2. Select External backup copy. Enter the file path to the backup. You can either enter the path directly or click Browse to load the backup copy. Enter your password if you have protected the backup with a password.

  3. Click Next.

  4. Information about the backup is displayed in the information window. Make sure the information is correct and click Next.

  5. Read the Important Information and select I have read and understood the information above before clicking Next.

The backup is being restored. This can take some time, especially if the backup contains a large amount of data.

Read more about:

Creating backup

About restoring backups

Backup settings

About backup