A Company database in Mamut represents one account/one unit. Accounting firms usually refer to 'Clients', while for others who handle several companies; a database is the equivalent of firms/companies. You can have several company databases in each Mamut installation. The maximum number is limited by your licence.
You can have several company databases in a single installation of the program. At the first-time startup you are asked to create a company database. Later on you can always create more company databases.
Creating a new Company database during the first-time startup
As part of the first-time startup wizard you will be offered help with setting up a Company database. The first step of the wizard is to enter all Company Settings. Read more about this here.
Creating a new company database in an existing installation
When you create a new company database you can select to copy information from another database in your installation. The information you bring with you includes, the Product Register, the Chart of Accounts, and the Employee register, for example. This allows you to save the time it takes to create/edit these from scratch, if they are similar or almost similar for the various companies.
How to create a new Company database with your own/new data:
Log into the program and select File - New Company database. You can also click New in the window named List of Company databases. This window will open after you have entered the user name and password.
Enter an Alias name. A company database is registered under an Alias name. This is meant to be a short name for the company database that you use when you log on and are selecting which company database to work in. The alias name can be changed and should not include special symbols, spacing, full stops etc.
Select New company database from the list of options. This will initiate a wizard that will guide you through the most vital settings.
Select whether you wish to make use of the wizard or not. If you decide not to work with the wizard, you should only register your Company settings before the company database is being created. You need to enter the Accounting Year, First month of the accounting year, the number of VAT periods and the company's VAT no.
If you are working with the wizard, you will need to enter you Company Settings first. Read more about this here.
A new company database is being created.
You can now start entering data into it.
How to create a new Company database based on data from an existing company database:
Log into the program and go to File - New Company database. Alternatively, you can click New in the Company database list that opens after you have entered you user name and password.
Enter an Alias name. A company database is registered under an Alias name. This is meant to be a short name for the company database that you use when you log on and are selecting which company database to work in. The alias name can be changed and should not include special symbols, spacing, full stops etc.
Tick the box for Copy information from an existing company database if you would like to base your new company database on information retrieved from an existing company database.
Select which company database to base you new company database on. First, select the company database. Next, select which registers should be copied to the new company database.
Click OK.
A new company
database is being created. You can now start entering data into it.
If you have been using a different system prior to installing Mamut, you will be able to select Convert data from a different system during the installation process. The wizard will locate your previous system later if it is compatible for conversion into Mamut. The wizard will start up once the database has been created if you selected this option during set-up. The wizard also comes with help files.
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