If you would like to offer payment by credit card in your web shop, you need a valid licence for your Mamut software, an agreement with a payment provider as well as an agreement with your bank/acquirer. If you want to use the Mamut Enterprise DIBS credit card payment service, please contact Mamut's sales department for information about license and handling.
To activate the payment service, go to View - E-Commerce and click Web Site Settings. In the Payment Services tab, select DIBS from the drop down list. If DIBS is not available in the list, please get in touch with your Mamut contact person - your licence may need upgrading.
Payment service providers act as web-based payment terminals, which take care of the entire payment process when a customer in your web shop wants to pay by credit card. The payment service providers ensure the security of the transaction against fraud or other types of problems.
Note! Mamut Enterprise DIBS is available as an extension of Mamut Enterprise.
When you have entered into an agreement with the payment service provider, and defined the correct payment service settings (see above), you must register the ID you have received from the provider.
In order to handle credit card payments in your web shop, you must create one or several Forms of Payment specific for payment using credit cards.
Note! The settings you have defined for the online payment service will only be available in your web shop when you have clicked Updated Web Site.
Here follows a detailed description of the different settings you must define in your Mamut program.
Step 1
Checking the name and address (URL) of your web site
Go to View - E-Commerce - Web Site Settings.
Your web site's name and address appears on the Active Web Site tab. Change the name
by clicking the Edit button.
Step 2
Define the Payment Service settings
In the Payment Services tab, select DIBS from the drop down list. If you do not have this option, please contact Mamut's sales department, your licence needs to be upgraded.
Enter shopname in order to activate the connection to DIBS. The name, which you will receive from DIBS, must be identical to the one you have received.
Select which direct payment alternatives you want to offer your customers and/or which are included in the agreement with your bank/acquirer.
Check the 3D Secure box (included in the agreement with DIBS).
The payment service settings have now been
defined in Mamut.
Step 3
How to customise your web shop
Go to View - E-Commerce
- Edit - Web Site. Select the sub-tab Form
of Payment in the Web Shop tab.
Select the Show field
for Security Code box (for manual credit card handling).
Enter payment terms by clicking the New button (or Edit to edit an existing payment term), select a credit card and enter the description which will be used in the web shop.
The web shop settings have now been defined.
Remember to differentiate between shipping costs, etc. if you are selling
your products to other countries. The best way to do that is to create
two payment terms per credit card type.
Note! When you
have defined these settings, you must update your web shop by selecting
View - E-Commerce - Update Web Site.
Payment Management: To track customer payments, log on to your DIBS
administration tool. Read more about this in the information from DIBS.
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