Posting a Purchase Invoice/Creating a Supplier Invoice

When you have ordered the goods from the supplier you can post the purchase order(s). You can also post an accompanying Duty/Freight invoice

Note! You can also post a partial delivery. Enable this in Purchase settings: You can enter purchases that have not been not fully received.

How to post a purchase invoice

  1. From the purchase module click Post purchase invoice.

  2. Select Invoice type. This example describes Supplier Invoice.

    View separate topics for other invoices
    Supplier invoice
    Duty/Freight invoice
    Credit note

  1. Enter the Invoice number.

  2. Check that the Invoice date and Due date agrees with the supplier’s invoice date.

  3. Check that the Currency is correct.

  4. Register the amount for Freight and Handling if this is included in the same invoice as the goods.

  5. Check the Supplier payments, VAT liable, and Rounding against the invoice.

  6. Check Price and Quantity in the Invoiced column.

    You may post a different quantity. Register the correct quantity in the Invoiced column. If you post less, the remaining value will be shown in the Invoiced column the next time the purchase order is posted.

  7. Click Invoice.

    The Purchase order is registered and has been assigned an entry number, e.g. PI1, and is transferred to the Nominal Ledger. The Entered column is updated with the entered number. The purchase order’s status is Received.

Click Processing completed if you want to change the status of the purchase order. It is still not locked so you can still register more products if necessary.

Read more about:

Purchase Orders

Duty/Freight Invoice

Posting Credit Notes from Purchase