Searching for a contact

The contact list allows you to view and edit contacts and contact persons. You can print the contact list and filter your inactive contacts to either show, or not be shown. You can also search for a specific contact. In maximised mode, you can search for a contact in all of the columns, as well as sort a column by clicking on the column header. In minimised mode, the contact list with a simplified contact card, you can search on contact no. and contact name.

How to search for a contact

  1. Go to CRM - Contact Management - Contact List.
  2. Type in the search criteria of your choice.
  3. You will see that the contact list updates automatically with matching results.

When you see the results of your search, you can print your filtered contact list, or you can go to the full contact card by clicking Go to contact icon under the Action column, thus entering Edit or View mode of the full contact card.

How to print your filtered contact list

After you have entered the necessary search criteria, you can print your results by clicking on the Print icon on the top left. This will print your search results to a PDF file.

Read more about:

About Mamut Online

Creating a new contact in Mamut Online


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