Loaning and returning equipment

How to loan equipment

  1. In the top menu within Mamut Online, select New - Loan or click Work Areas - Equipment - New Loan.

  2. A window with a sortable list of all equipment available for loan will appear. Click on the piece of equipment you wish to loan.

    If you have a lot of registered equipment, the Search function can help you to easily find the piece of equipment you are looking for.
  3. Click on the Borrower button with three dots within the Loan details field to add the borrower from the list of all contacts.
  4. Set the Loan date for the loan as well as the Due date using the calendar buttons or by entering the dates manually.
  5. If you wish, you can add notes in the Notes field, for example, to register the condition of the piece of equipment before and after the loan. To do so, click on the button next to the Notes field.
  6. You can also upload a Loan Agreement by clicking on the button with the three dots next to Loan Agreement.
  7. Click on Save & Close to be redirected to the previously accessed page,
    click on Save & New if you wish to register another loan.

The piece of equipment is now on loan. 

Tip! Alternatively, you can loan a piece of equipment directly from the equipment card by clicking on Loan Equipment on the toolbar.

How to return equipment

  1. In the top menu within Mamut Online, select Lists - On Loan Equipment.

  2. A list with all equipment that is on loan will appear. Click on the Return button next to the piece of equipment you wish to return.
  3. You can set the Return date in the Loan details panel by clicking the calendar icon or by entering the dates manually.
  4. Click on Return & Close.

The piece of equipment has now been returned and is available for loan. 

Tip! Alternatively, you can return a piece of equipment directly from the equipment card by clicking on Return Equipment on the toolbar.

Read more about:

Important Tools within Mamut Online

The Loan Card


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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