The Job Card

The job card gathers all of the information registered about one specific job.

To access the job card, click Lists - Jobs in the top menu of Mamut Online or click on Jobs on the Contact work area and then select the card you wish to open.

The window is divided into two sections. The top section contains a toolbar with the most common actions. More information about the general icons in the toolbar can be found in Important Tools within Mamut Online.

In addition, the following actions are available in the toolbar:

Duplicate allows you to select which information you wish to duplicate into a new job.

Invoice allows you to create sales orders. Read more about creating sales orders based jobs in Job Invoicing.

Change status allows you to change the project status. Read more about changing the project status in Project Status Overview.

Project status overview gives you an overview of the date, status and duration of each status of the project. Read more about project status overview in Project Status Overview.

Print allows you to print a set of reports linked to the job. The available reports are Simple budget report, Advanced budget report, Job status report, Fixed price job status and Jobs based on Purchases, Time Sheets & Other Cost status.

The lower section of the window is the actual Job Card which is arranged into the following panels: Main information, Budget (Simple and advanced), Activities, Sales Orders, and Contacts.

Use the arrows located on the right hand side of the window to maximise and minimise the panels and navigate through the information. You can also click Collapse all and Expand all on the top right hand side of the page.

Main information

In the Main information panel you are able to enter general information about the job such as no./Project Class, name, status, planned and actual start date and end date. You are also able to register notes in the Notes field and set the priority of the project, as well as link the job to a department and select if the job should be available in the accounting area.


In the Budget panel you are able to create both a simple and an advanced budget for the job you are performing.

Under the Simple tab you are able to estimate the costs and sales in a simple budget related to the job. The estimations you make will be compared with the actual results.

Under the Advanced tab you are able to create a more advanced and detailed budget for the job. Here you can register pre-calculations for tenders and/or other purposes. The advanced budget is split into four areas (Hours: cost and income, Sales income, Purchases costs and Other costs). All information entered will be transferred into the simple budget and overwrite information that has been entered already.


The Activities panel provides you with information about activities linked to the job. The columns displayed in the Activities panel are defined in the user settings for activities in Mamut Online. In edit mode you are able to create new activities. In order to edit or complete activities, you need to go into that specific activity. Read more about activities in Activities within Mamut Online.

Note! Please note that the project field in activities, created from the Job Card, will not be the one stated in the default values in the user settings for Activity in Mamut Online, but the one corresponding to the Job where the activity is being created. So the project field will be overwritten by the Job name.

Sales Orders

In the Sales Order panel you will find all types of sales orders linked to this job. This includes unprocessed sales order, credit notes, invoices and more. Via the Add new button you can create a new unprocessed sales order. Read more about sales orders in the Job Register in Job Invoicing.


The Contacts panel displays the contact(s) linked to the job. It includes the contact Name, Invoice address, E-mail, Contact Person, and Mobile phone.

If the job has no appointed contact, you are able to link a contact to the job by clicking Link contact in edit mode. Registering contacts makes it easier for you to locate the person you wish to contact or refer to in different situations.

Click on the contact name in order to access the contact card. Read more here.

Read more about:

About the Job Register

Working with Projects

Managing Contacts in Mamut Online

The Activity Card


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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