The Trends Report

The Mamut Validis Trends examine your accounting data in order to identify areas where a transaction falls outside of the usual trend of data for its nominal account.

The Trends look at the aggregate value of the transactions that go through a nominal code in each period. If the total value of transactions in one month is significantly different to that of the previous month, or significantly different to the average aggregate balance, the trend is deemed to have been broken.

If your accounting data appears to contain any broken trends, Mamut Validis identifies every transaction that makes up the balance in question. These are then displayed, so that you can check to see if there are any anomalous entries that have caused the trend to break, or confirm that all the transactions are legitimate.

For example, trends that may be identified as being abnormal include:

Mamut Validis reports any breaches of these rules as potential anomalies and groups them according to the relative importance of the nominal code in which the trend has been broken.

The Trend Rules report shows:

How to view the Trend Rules Report

To view potential breaches of trend rules in your accounting data, follow the steps described below.

  1. Select the menu option Analysis Reports - Summary - Trend Rules. Alternatively, select Analysis Reports - Summary and then click on the See full results link in the Trend Rules box. The Trend Rules screen is displayed.

  2. ..Chart View/Table View: For the Value of trends broken and the No. of trends broken boxes, in the upper part of the screen, you can switch between a table view and a chart view of the results by selecting the appropriate buttons.

  3. To view details of the underlying transactions, click on the arrow buttons in the table shown in the lower part of screen.

You can now view the trend rules report of your accounting data.

Note! When you first expand a rule a graph is displayed, showing the trend in transaction values over time for the selected item. On this graph, red points on a green background show months in which the usual pattern of transactions was observed. Blue points shown outside the green range show months in which transactions broke the usual trend. Beneath the graph is a list of the months in which the trend was broken. Expanding this list displays the underlying transactions for the selected month.

Read more about:

Working with the Mamut Validis Analysis