Getting Started with the Business Year Planner

Before getting started  

Before getting started you need to create your Mamut ID and connect to Mamut Online. Mamut Online is what synchronises your data between Mamut Business Software and the Business Year Planner.

Find out more about how to connect in Getting Started with Mamut Online.

The Home Page

The Business Year Planner home page is the starting point of the Year Planner. This is where you start your Year Plan, and also where you can get an overview of where you are in the process of creating your plan. The main areas of the Ribbon (the navigation bar) are Strategy, Analysis and Planning. In addition, you also have the Home, Year Plan and Status buttons.  

How to get started

  1. Log into Mamut Online through the web browser, using your Mamut ID.
    You can login directly via a web browser at link) or via the Mamut Online focus area within Mamut Business Software.
  2. Once you have logged in, select Work Areas - Business Year Planner from the Mamut Online toolbar.

  3. To start a new plan click Create new Year Plan at the bottom of the main page or on the top right hand side.

  4. Write in the Name of the new business year plan, which calendar Year it covers, and if it is based on an existing plan or not. If it is based on an existing plan, you can select which elements of the plan to use.

  5. Click OK to create the plan and proceed to Strategy, or click Cancel to go back to the home page and abort creating the plan. The name of your year plan will now be displayed as the current Year Plan on the top left-hand side of the home page.

You have now set the name and year for your Year Plan and can proceed with creating the strategy for your Year Plan.

Note! You can choose which plan to work on simply by clicking on it from the list of plans that are displayed on the top right-hand side of the home page.  

Tip!When you have logged into Mamut Online, you can click Help in the top right corner. In the help section you will find more information about the functionality.

Read more about:

About the Business Year Planner


Version 11.1. The documentation may refer to services and/or functions that are not included within your solution. If you wish to get more information regarding this, please contact Mamut.

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