Using Foreign Currency on Orders/Invoices

How the currency register works for orders/invoices

The currency that is registered for  contact will also be the prevailing currency on orders created for that contact. For example, if the contact uses USD, the currency on the order will automatically be USD as well. If you select a different currency for the order than you have for the company database (which you fixed under Settings - Company - Financial Settings and which is also the currency for your product prices), you will first need to update the exchange rate for the currency on the order. After you have done so you can enter the products under the Product Lines tab on the order card. The program will automatically convert the product price from the product's currency to the currency of the order according to the exchange rate you determined in the currency register.  

It is important that you at all times remember to update the exchange rate before you enter the products into an order. If you update the active currency rate after you have added the products to the order, the product price will not updated automatically. If, for example, you add a product to the order, re-open the order later to add another product and want to update the price for the product you entered first with the new exchange rate, you will need to update the rate in the currency register and then add the product to the order once more. Only this way will guarantee that the product's converted price is being calculated based on the latest update exchange rate.

Clicking on the search button to the right of the Currency drop-down list will open a window displaying all registered currencies.

Directly click into the Exchange rate to edit the rate that is registered already and in this manner, make the changes you require.

Read more about:

The Currency Register

Invoicing in the Customer's Currency