The Credit card window shows you information about the credit card that will be charged for payment of a web order. You can access the window from the View - Sales/Invoicing - Order Registration, selecting a credit card payment option from the Payment terms drop-down list and then clicking on the search button next to Payment terms field. The entries here are taken from the credit card information the customer provided when placing the order online, including Credit card company, Customer name, Card no. etc.
For payments by Solo or Maestro card, the two bottom fields contain the information entered for Issue number and Start date.
It is possible to register credit card information manually for unprocessed orders where Credit card has been selected for the payment terms. The payment will then have to be processed manually, e.g. via a card terminal in your office or other arrangement you may have with your bank.
If you have a contract with a payment service provider for the processing of credit card payments directly from your web shop, the credit card details you will find on web orders are for reference only, as the payment will be handled electronically by your chosen provider, e.g. WorldPay.
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