View - Accounting - Financials
- Future cash flow
By using the function for Future cash flow you can gain information on future cash flow based on previously registered information. The function is in particular intended for newly started companies that are sensitive in terms of liquidity or companies/branches that demand a high level of capital input.
Viewing Future cash flow gives you today's date's cash assets based on the amounts that are going in and out in terms of registered receipts and payments in the program. Cash flow is estimated by adding the balances on Bank and Petty cash in the Chart of accounts. Customer receipts and other receipts, Supplier payments and other payments are included. The amounts are presented on a weekly basis for the number of weeks that you selected. You can manually override this continuously and enter any adjustments, if necessary.
In order for Bank/Petty cash to display in the list of accounts for estimating cash flow, you will need to select it for Bank/ Petty cash in the Chart of Accounts.
Selecting Bank/Petty cash in the Chart of Accounts.
Select View - Accounting and Chart of Accounts.
Click List.
Locate the account you wish to include in the estimation of future cash flow and click OK.
Select the Advanced tab.
Tick the Bank/Petty cash box.
Save and Close the Chart of Accounts.
Bank/Petty cash will now be displayed in
the list of accounts for estimating cash flow.
In the wizard screen, both open customer and supplier ledger items will be shown and selected for inclusion in the cash flow estimate. Items that are set to Disputed claim will also be shown in the list, but will not be selected automatically. Due items and items without a due date will display for today, but also without being selected. If several items are linked together by Match-ID they will be grouped. You can manually change the payment date on a customer/Supplier ledger if you know that changes have been made on the item.
In the main screen you can select whether you want to show cash flow as numbers (Report overview) or as a Graphic overview. If you select Graphic overview you can choose whether you want to see the overview on a weekly or daily basis, in columns or 2d lines (from drop-down lists in toolbar) as well as comparing it with last year's numbers (Show last year checkbox).
You can print out an overview of your cash flow. By clicking the arrow to the right of the print icon, you will be able to Preview or export data to Microsoft Excel.
Wizard for estimating future cash flow
Click the Wizard button.
Select the Time period you want to see cash flow for (from the drop-down list). Enter an amount into the Adjustment field if you have adjustments you want to include in the cash holdings. Click Next.
In the Customer receipts screen you can enter new, edit or delete items. You can also remove ticks in boxes for items you do not want to be included in the cash flow as well as selecting items you want included. Enter Adjustment for every week if necessary. Click Next.
In the Payments received from others screen you can enter other types of payments you know you will receive in the near future. Enter Adjustment if necessary. Click Next.
In the Payments to suppliers screen you can enter new, edit or delete items. You can also remove ticks in boxes for items you do not want to be included in the cash flow as well as selecting items you want included.
In the Payments to others screen you can enter other types of payments you know will occur in the near future e.g. purchases, payroll etc. Be aware that the items will not be specified when you print them. Enter Adjustment if necessary. Click Next.
Click Complete
to save the amendments of estimates to cash flow.
The Future cash flow will be automatically estimated from today's date, ledger items and cash holdings. You do not have to go through the wizard if you are not adjusting items. As an alternative to the wizard you can click the Browse buttons to the right of the Cash at start of week, Customer Receipts, Other receipts, supplier Payments and Other payments in the report overview screen.
Tip! We recommend that you administer
access templates for the function that edits the selection for estimating
cash flow. Only accounting personnel should be able to make such changes.
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