Remittance - Bank Payment

Supplier payments are posted as journal entries within the nominal ledger. From the ledger you are able to launch the Remittance wizard which allows you to select which payment items are due for payment. The wizard can also help you execute and post the payments.

The remittance wizard can be used in two different ways: automatic remittance or manual remittance. You can define a standard payment type and other settings under Remittance Settings. The payment type can be overridden via the Remittance wizard.

Automatic Remittance: When using automatic remittance, you need a valid agreement with your bank. The payments are transferred as a file to the bank. Contact your bank for more information. Read more about Remittance/Bank Files.

Manual Remittance: When using manual remittance, you can use the program to print payment overviews and payment forms. Getting Started with Manual Remittance

Read more about:

Remittance Settings

Getting Started with Automatic Remittance