How to create a user-defined access profile for a user

View - Settings - Security - User Administration - User Access Rights

An access profile defines the functions to which a specific user has access. It may be defined in the same way as an access template, but will not appear in the list of access templates. With the user permissions administration wizard, you can base an access profile on an access template or an existing access profile.

How to create a user-defined access profile for a user

  1. Go to View - Settings - Security - User administration and select the relevant user.

  2. Go to the User Access Rights tab in the user profile for the user.

  3. Select User-defined.

  4. Click Define access profile.

  5. Select Create access profile and then click Next.

  6. You can also base it on an access template or existing access profile.

    1. Select Access template to base a user-defined access profile on an access template. Select the template on which you wish to base the access profile.

    2. Select User-defined access profile to base a new access profile on an existing one.

  7. Check the functions that you wish to be available to the access profile.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Complete.

The access profile wizard is now complete and the new profile is saved.

Read more about:

User Access Rights

Access Template Administration