First time Startup - Registering the Program

Here you enter all registration information about you and your company. This is important information which helps us to follow up your use of the program through support, news by e-mail and Mamut Usermail.

The information will be sent via the Internet to the software provider so that we can register you or your company that uses the program.

The LICENCEE agrees to allow MAMUT SOFTWARE LTD to register and analyse the use of the installed Mamut application and associated software by the LICENCEE in order to provide a basis for a better and optimised service. The information will be used for administration of the customer relationship and may also be used in the preparation and dispatch of user tips, relevant news and offers for products and/or services which may or will be delivered by MAMUT SOFTWARE LTD or their partners through normal or electronic mail, or in any other way.

Company/Name, Address/Telephone number: Enter the name of the company that will own the program licence.

County: Enter your county. The information will not influence program settings.

Country: Select the correct country for the company using the program. The selection you make is critical for the accompanying basic settings that will be installed.

Contact person/E-mail: The contact person is usually the person who is responsible for daily program maintenance. A natural choice will be the system administrator. We also require a legitimate e-mail address if you have access to the Internet. If you have no e-mail address, enter an address with symbols @ and . , e.g. have@no.mail.

Licence number: Without a valid licence number, the program will switch to evaluation mode. Read more about the licence number here.

Language: Here you select the language for the company database. The selection you make here is the screen language. If you have users of multiple nationalities they will be able to use various program languages on their machines. They can change this in the User Settings.

Business type/Subject area: Select the option that best describes your business. The selection you make here does not influence settings, but it helps us to match any information that we can update you with regarding your company needs. Enter your organisation's business number here.

Retailer: If you bought the program through a retailer, we would appreciate your effort to enter the name of the dealer in this field.

I do not wish to receive this kind of information from Mamut: The software supplier keeps you updated and informed with product information, special offers, professional and technical updates and more. If you would prefer not to receive this type of information, please tick this box.

Read more about:

Creating a new Company Database

Installing the Program